The Mummy MOT is a postnatal assessment to check your posture, functional movement, breathing techniques, abdominal and pelvic floor muscles and to advise and help you with your postnatal recovery. The Mummy MOT is a chance to check at what stage your recovery is at, get advice about particular issues you are having or to advise and help you return to your normal activities or exercise.
You will need to have had your 6 week postnatal check up with your GP before an appointment can take place. However a Mummy MOT can take place any time after that, months or even years, if you have ongoing issues related to pregnancy, the birth or the postnatal period. Alternatively you may have no particular issues but want to return to exercise and feel an assessment would be helpful to ensure that your abdominals and pelvic floor muscles are ready for the type of exercise you are intending to do. During Remember if you have had a baby you are always post-partum and it is never too late to get advice and help or simply to have a check to see that you are doing your exercises correctly so that you put yourself in the best position for later life.
The Mummy MOT takes about 75 mins. Pre-assessment forms will be sent to you a few days before the appointment for you to fill in and return. This information will help to guide the assessment to address any particular concerns you have.
The 75 min assessment covers:
A report of findings can be sent to you after the appointment if requested - please see the prices for more information.
Please also note that the Mummy MOT is an assessment and it may be that further assessment or treatment is advised after the initial assessment or that referral on is necessary in some cases.
For more information on Mummy MOT follow up rehabilitation click below